The Unity National School is offering their next retreat in September 2024. It is going to be an in-person only two days Retreat on Prosperity.
Peregian Beach Prosperity Retreat is now the Prosperity Retreat at Coolum at the Beach
September 27th and 28th 10:00am to 4:00pm
This is an in-person only event and can be taken as a credit subject. For SEE students: This retreat will qualify for credits towards your program.
The Retreat is being offered on a love offering basis and includes the venue, lunch on both days, tea and coffee available throughout the day, book and workbook, pens, plus a dinner out on Friday night paid for by UNS.
Venue confirmed – the Boardroom at Coolum at the Beach Resort
Retreat Cost: Love offering
Accommodation Cost: Here are some options for your attendance:
1. Book your own accommodation for as many nights as you wish and register that you wish to attend the retreat below. There are some one and two bedroom apartments available at the resort plus other options nearby. It is in the middle of the Queensland school holidays so book soon.
2. Stay in Brisbane and drive up to Peregian Beach (it’s about an hour and a half from the centre of Brisbane according to Google maps). If this is your preference just register for the retreat below.
3. If you require a ride from Brisbane please contact Deb Crichton, one of our Licensed Unity Teachers, who has offered to drive.