Christian Scriptures 1

Julian · 20/12/2023

Christian Scriptures 1 is based on the premise that, whatever else the they may be, the Christian Scriptures most definitely are the response of early Christian writers to both the person and the message of Jesus Christ.

This course answers many mysteries about when, why and how the Gospels, and the letters attributed to the Apostle Paul, were written.  As in the earlier Hebrew Scriptures classes, we will look at the metaphysical interpretation as we go.  Unity’s metaphysical approach to interpreting scriptures aims to help cultivate self-knowledge and contact with the Higher Spiritual Self commonly called “Christ within” and “Christ consciousness.”

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:
  • Develop a basic understanding of the meaning of the Christian Scriptures for the people to whom they were written.
  • Describe the four major divisions of the Christian Scriptures.
  • Define maieutic Bible interpretation and metaphysical Bible
  • Interpret a Bible story using both methods of interpretation.
  • Relate the interpretation to their own lives
Required Text/Readings
  • Bible NRSV –a Study Bible is highly recommended. Preferred study Bible: The New Interpreter’s Study Bible – NRSV version with Apocrypha;
  • Also acceptable: The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha: NRSV or The Harper Collins Study Bible including Apocryphal Deutercanonical Books
  • Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, R.C. Douglass, Unity Books (on-line version at Truth
  • The Revealing Word, Unity Books (on-line version at Truth
Recommended Text
  • Evolution of the Word, Marcus Borg (which includes the NRSV New Testament)
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About Instructor


Julian is a Licensed Unity Minister and has been actively involved with the UNS Australasia for the last 5-6 years. Julian is an Associate Minister at Unity Reflections of Truth in Brisbane Australia.

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