Healing and Wholeness
Healing and Wholeness
Unity began with a spiritual healing that was mediated through mind and application of principles. The first healing was followed by others and eventually Silent Unity and Unity Centers emerged. The healing practices and principles developed and applied by Myrtle and Charles Fillmore are the basis of this course. Students will be working with the Fillmore’s teachings on healing and wholeness, as well as with historical and contemporary master teachers. The principles will be presented to support students in developing a practical understanding of Unity theology as “heart-centered meta-physics.”

Unity Prayer
Unity Prayer
Affirmative meditative prayer is at the heart of the Unity spiritual path. The Unity way of prayer is ultimately aimed at experience of the Divine and Realization of the practitioner’s Divine Potential. Along the way there are practical benefits, including guidance, healing and abundance. In this course, students are introduced to Unity’s Five Step Prayer Process and supported in developing their daily prayer practice.

Meditation Practices
Meditation Practices
Extensive research on meditation practices has revealed that regular meditation has many mental and physical benefits and that there are many effective ways to meditate. This course explores the practice and the experience of various forms of meditation. Benefits of the various forms of meditation will be explored as well as methods to deal with resistance to it. There will also be helpful tips for developing a regular meditation practice. Practicing the Silence, Unity’s meditation practice, is fundamental and foundational to Unity teachings. Therefore, it will be the primary meditation practice for the duration of the course.

Self-awareness is necessary for optimal balance and functioning in life. To be self-aware is to realize the dimensions of self and the states of those dimensions. Human beings are more than physical body; they also have spiritual and soul (psyche)dimensions which are equally if not more important than the body. Students will explore the dimensions of self by studying various systems and techniques for self-awareness. They will become more conscious of: their attitudes, beliefs and ways of being; symptoms of stress and imbalance; healthy responses to stress and imbalance; and how to integrate spiritual principles to maintain balance and honor all facets of their being.

The “I” of the Storm
The “I” of the Storm
This course is based on the books, “The I of the Storm” by Rev. Dr. Gary Simmons and “I of the Storm for Teens” by Rev. Dr. Jane Simmons. In this course, students will explore the principles of embracing conflict and creating peace in everyday life. This course is designed to help students function from their heart center, demonstrate Unity principles in times of conflict, and complete a 21-day reconciliation process.

Conversation Skills
Conversation Skills
Conversation Skills is a course that enhances effective communication skills to include the ability to stay in dialogue when emotions are driving us to “shout out” or “shut down.” This course provides knowledge and tools for listening, creating connection and facilitating dialogue in tough, emotional situations. The principles and models taught are aligned with spiritual practices. The class is based on the model of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), which includes: taking responsibility for our own experience; commitment to increasing our awareness of our own feelings and needs as well as those of the people with whom we interact; and having the capacity to be authentic and compassionate in all circumstances

Self-care involves making choices that reflect a consciousness of well-being. As we become aware of the care of our mind, body and spirit, we discover that when we are our best self, we make contributions to our family, our communities and our world consciously. This course will provide guidelines and action plans for instilling practices of self-care in the areas of awareness, mindfulness, setting boundaries, letting go, forgiveness and self-love. The class will be both reflective and interactive as we build self-awareness and share what works in applying self-care practices into daily life. We will identify how to use this foundation in times of stress and chaos as well.

Discerning Your Purpose
Discerning Your Purpose
Who am I and why am I here?
Is there a purpose for my life and how do I find it?
The spiritual path diverges in many ways. Discerning which path to take is both a reflective and action-packed process. How do we navigate this terrain?
Discerning Your Purpose provides a process for challenging your thoughts and desires along with accountability steps to manifest that achievement. You will explore your skills, abilities and spiritual gifts while discovering the ‘next steps’ for progressing to the desired outcome.