The first phase for becoming a “metaphysician-practitioner” is learning the fundamental Principles. Assimilating and practicing those Principles helps us awaken awareness and understand of spiritual Truth. This “first phase” course encourages students to enter into that awakening and understanding so that they can apply the principles in everyday lives and experience the “first fruits” of spiritual understanding.

Course Learning Objectives:
  • Differentiate the Absolute Realm (the Absolute) from the relative realm (the relative) including the analysis of Cause and Effect/cause and effect.
  • Explain the significance of the Silence and meditation and their relationship to each other.
  • Illustrate some of the key aspects and process of building Christ Consciousness.
  • Compare Unity’s view and the traditional view of Divine Purpose, Will, Plan and Guidance.
  • Explain the essential Unity concept, “life is consciousness,” and its relationship to self-awareness and self-knowledge.
  • Articulate and use Unity’s affirmative prayer process.
Required Readings:
  • Heart-Centered Metaphysics by Paul Hasselbeck
  • Applying Heart-Centered Metaphysics Workbook by Paul Hasselbeck and Cher Holton
Recommended Text/Readings
  • Lessons in Truth, H. Emilie Cady . Unity Village, MO: Unity Books.
  • Point of Power, Paul Hasselbeck, Durham, NC: Prosperity Publishing House.
Facilitated by Licensed Unity Teacher, Julian Harvey
Average Review Score:

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About Instructor


Julian is a Licensed Unity Minister and has been actively involved with the UNS Australasia for the last 5-6 years. Julian is an Associate Minister at Unity Reflections of Truth in Brisbane Australia.

21 Courses

+30 enrolled
Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • 5 Quizzes
  • Events Calendar

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