The fourth phase in metaphysical study is continuing investigation and advanced application of the Truth students have learned in the previous metaphysical courses. This course summarizes and organizes metaphysical teachings to facilitate ever increasing demonstration of Truth. Through the consistent application of practical Truth principles, students will continuously transform their lives and realize more of their spiritual nature and potential.

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:
  • Survey the blocks and keys to demonstration and determine which ones are affecting their experience of demonstration.
  • Create and implement a metaphysical demonstration plan.
  • Explain the metaphysical basis of Wholeness and Health and deduce the relevance to the keys to demonstrating life, wholeness, and health.
  • Explain the metaphysical basis of Prosperity and deduce the relevance to the keys to demonstrating prosperity.
Required Text/Readings
  • Heart-Centered Metaphysics, Paul. Hasselbeck, Unity Village, MO: Unity House. 2010.
  • Applying Heart-Centered Metaphysics Workbook, Paul Hasselbeck and Cher Holton  Unity Village, MO: Unity Books. 2012.
Average Review Score:

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About Instructor


Julian is a Licensed Unity Minister and has been actively involved with the UNS Australasia for the last 5-6 years. Julian is an Associate Minister at Unity Reflections of Truth in Brisbane Australia.

21 Courses

+29 enrolled
Open Registration

Course Includes

  • Course Certificate
  • Events Calendar

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