Self-awareness is necessary for optimal balance and functioning in life. To be self-aware is to realize the dimensions of self and the states of those dimensions. Human beings are more than physical body; they also have spiritual and soul (psyche) dimensions which are equally if not more important than the body. Students will explore the dimensions of self by studying various systems and techniques for self-awareness. They will become more conscious of their attitudes, beliefs and ways of being; symptoms of stress and imbalance; healthy responses to stress and imbalance; and how to integrate spiritual principles to maintain balance and honor all facets of their being.

Course Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Identify and articulate current belief systems regarding key areas of life such as but not limited to health, finances, and relationship.
  • Express personal values and integrity.
  • Articulate and engage in areas of emotional literacy
  • Increase effective communication skills to enhance relationships.
  • Evaluate and personal stressors and formulate mediation strategies.
  • Recognize obstacles to self-esteem and self-love and develop strategies for increasing consciousness in these areas.
  • Develop awareness of cultural background and conditioning and how it impacts our worldview.
Required Texts
  • In the Flow of Life, Eric Butterworth 1982. Unity Village Publisher. Unity Books.
  • Conscious Living: Finding Joy in the Real World, Gay Hendricks 2000. San Francisco: Harper San Francisco.
Recommended Texts/Readings
  • You Can Heal Your Life, Louise Hay 1984. Santa Monica: Hay House.
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About Instructor


Julian is a Licensed Unity Minister and has been actively involved with the UNS Australasia for the last 5-6 years. Julian is an Associate Minister at Unity Reflections of Truth in Brisbane Australia.

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