As a result of his inner exploration and experiences, as well as his metaphysical interpretation of the Bible, Charles Fillmore developed a powerful tool for spiritual development and healing commonly known as “the twelve powers.” The teaching and practice of the 12 powers includes awareness of “’power centers” in the body, similar to the “chakra” system in yoga. The system connects the power centers to spiritual qualities symbolically associated with the 12 Disciples of Christ; the Christ is symbolically associated with the Spiritual or Higher Self.

Upon completion of this course, learners will be able to:
  • Name and describe the 12 powers both from ego/personality and Christ Consciousness.
  • Explain degeneration, generation, and regeneration and how they apply in your life.
  • Demonstrate applications of each of the 12 Powers in your life.
Required Text/Readings
  • Divine Audacity, Linda Martella-Whitsett,  Hampton Roads Publishing. 2015.
  • Twelve Powers of Man, Charles Fillmore, Unity Village, MO: Unity Books.
  • Power Up, Paul Hasselbeck, Cher Holton, Prosperity Publishing House. 2014.
  • Power Up Your Life: Accessing Your Twelve Powers to Achieve Health, Happiness, Abundance, and Inner Peace, Paul Hasselbeck, Cher Holton, Bill Holton. Prosperity Publishing House. 2014.
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About Instructor


Julian is a Licensed Unity Minister and has been actively involved with the UNS Australasia for the last 5-6 years. Julian is an Associate Minister at Unity Reflections of Truth in Brisbane Australia.

21 Courses

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